Application Intake
You can direct applicants to apply at a One Stop Center location instead of your place of business. Applicants can submit resumes and cover letters and/or fill out applications at our location.
Pre-Screen Candidates/Testing
We can pre-screen applicants according to criteria that you set (e.g. education level, work experience, work continuity, etc.). Only those applications meeting your criteria will be forwarded to you for review.
Interview Space
If you prefer to interview candidates in a neutral setting, we can provide space at no charge to you.
Targeted or General Job Fairs
If you need a large number of employees at once, or assistance in increasing the diversity of your hiring pool, we offer planning assistance and coordination for your hiring events.
Job Listings
You can post job openings, from entry to executive level, with the NY State Labor Department online. To submit your job posting online, visit or call (716) 373-1880 to request a Fast Fax Job Form.
Employment Tax Credits/Incentive Programs
Get tax credits and/or wage subsidies for hiring targeted job seekers or expanding in development zones. There are State and Federal incentives to employers to hire job seekers from ten target groups. Our Business Services Representatives can help you understand government programs available to underwrite workforce expansion and training.
Human Resources Assistance
The NY State Department of Labor Human Resources Consultants are available to assist employers with personnel problems and questions at no cost. They deal with common personnel issues, and also can help develop handbooks, policies and practices, orientation procedures and job titles.
Affirmative Action/EEO Guidance
The Division of Equal Opportunity Development can help you to develop and maintain an affirmative action program, promote equal opportunity and ensure nondiscriminatory policies and practices in your everyday business operations.
Job Service Employer Committees
You can communicate ideas and concerns with the State Department of Labor. Join one of the 54 Job Service Employer Committees (JSECs) around the State to collaborate with the Labor Department of business needs. JSECs work closely with DOL offices to monitor and improve services to employers.