The One Stops and the Workforce Investment Board office can assist businesses in upgrading the skills of new and existing workers through various programs. Assistance can be provided for either on-line, classroom or On-the-Job training. For more information, please contact the either the One Stops or the WIB Office directly to discuss your needs.
On-the-Job Training
We can provide you with funding assistance to provide On-the-Job training at your workplace for new or incumbent workers. Training for incumbent workers by an OJT must relate to the introduction of new technologies, production or service requirements, job upgrading, workplace literacy (including computer and technical literacy) or other reason deemed appropriate by the WIB. An OJT contract requires a 50% employer match and must be for a job that pays at least minimum wage. Please contact the WIB office for more information.
Grant Opportunities
The NYS Department of Labor and other entities may have grant opportunities available for employers to assist in training incumbent workers. These opportunities are:
Currently, there are no available opportunities. Please check back soon.
E-Learning/Computer Training
The One Stops can provide access to e-learning training for your employees in several areas such as computer applications, information technology, business development, and certain health courses. This e-learning can be tailored to fit any incumbent worker’s schedule as it is available via Internet. In addition, Jamestown Community College, in partnership with the WIB and the Workforce Development Institute, conducts instructor-led computer courses that are also available free of charge. Check the Calendar section for schedules or contact the One Stops for more information.
Customized Training
The WIB may have funds available at times to provide assistance to local employers with training incumbent workers with a customized training grant. Customized training funds are targeted to assist businesses with 50% of the total cost of training. Workers must be currently employed, earn less than $25/hour, and be paid during the hours of training. This arrangement is based upon a cost reimbursement and all employees who take part of the training must be enrolled in WIA. Please contact the WIB Office for more information.
Training Provider Database
If you’re looking for a training provider, NYS has compiled an approved training provider list to meet your general and specific workforce needs.
The NYS Department of Labor Apprenticeship program has been revamped and is looking to expand apprenticeships into non-traditional areas. If you would like to train your workers with the latest technologies and not lose valuable production time and reduce turnover and improve employer/employee relationships, this opportunity may be right for you. To learn more about the advantages of developing an Apprenticeship Program call 1.800.HIRE.922.